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Ręcznie Robione Obuwie z Włoskiej Skóry

Wiele osób próbuje ślepo podążać za modą i ciągle zmieniającymi się trendami. Ale człowiek z prawdziwym wyczuciem stylu wie, że godne uwagi są tylko oryginalne i wysokiej jakości produkty. Dlatego czujemy się uprzywilejowani, mogąc zaoferować naszym klientom ręcznie robione buty z włoskiej skóry, które zdecydowanie wyróżniają się spośród tych dostępnych w sklepach sieciowych.

Męski Świat

Kto powiedział, że buty są domeną wyłącznie kobiet? Mężczyźni mogą również zaakcentować swoją osobowość i styl, między innymi dzięki wyjątkowym butom, wykonanym z najlepszych materiałów. Nie musisz już iść na kompromis i wybierać spośród nudnych masowych produktów, ponieważ oferujemy Ci najwyższej jakości, ręcznie robione buty z włoskiej skóry.

Wygodny i wytrzymały materiał

Jedną z rzeczy, które sprawiają, że produkty PeppeShoes są tak wyjątkowe, jest materiał, którego używamy do ich tworzenia. Różne rodzaje wysokiej jakości włoskiej skóry, gwarantują doskonały wygląd butów i ich trwałość. Oznacza to, że każda para unikalnych, ręcznie robionych butów z włoskiej skóry, stworzonych przez PeppeShoes, będzie służyć Ci przez wiele lat.

Ręczna Robota

Wszyscy ludzie zaangażowani w proces tworzenia naszych ręcznie robionych butów z włoskiej skóry, wykorzystują profesjonalne techniki, przekazywane z pokolenia na pokolenie. Wkładamy dużo wysiłku w każdą parę butów zamówionych przez naszych klientów. Nasza dbałość o każdy szczegół sprawia, że ​​produkty PeppeShoes nie tylko wyglądają niesamowicie, ale także są wygodne i funkcjonalne.

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Wszystkich opinii: 1687
Użytkownik Trusted Shops

The shoes were made and shipped as described. Definitely follow the advise on the website of ordering a smaller pair than you usually wear. Once I ordered the correct size I’m was very pleased with the shoes. The Customer Service people at Peppe responded promptly and did there very best to help when shoes were held up in customs. The Delivery company UPS were very poor. Four dates were given b

Użytkownik Google Shopping

The shoes were made and shipped as described. Definitely follow the advise on the website of ordering a smaller pair than you usually wear. Once I ordered the correct size I’m was very pleased with the shoes. The Customer Service people at Peppe responded promptly and did there very best to help when shoes were held up in customs. The Delivery company UPS were very poor. Four dates were given b

Ewa Grochowska
2020-10-15 | Opinia z Google

Znakomite, nietuzinkowe buty. Pomoc przy wyborze odpowiedniego rozmiaru. Szybki i rzeczowy mailowy kontakt. Przesyłka o czasie, doszła po 14 dniach od złożenia zamówienia. Mój mąż- Holender jest zachwycony i z pewnością zamówi w tej firmie niejedną parę butów. Nareszcie sklep z butami dla mężczyzn z cudownymi kolorami i modelami. Bez przytłaczającej, sztampowej szarzyzny.

2022-01-11 | Opinia z Etsy

I’d really like to leave a review but I’m still waiting for the boots to arrive. I’ve asked the Deller for assistance but apparently I haven’t waited long enough for him to get involved. My package has been sitting in Louisville, Kentucky now for 21 days. I live 180 miles from Louisville. I could have walked there and back by now. UPS is impossible to navigate through. It’s just a big run around with their online service and they never answer a call. I’m not blaming the Seller for the delay. I’m blaming him for just shrugging it off. He got my $220.00 dollars. Why would he care if his customers don’t receive what they paid for?

Użytkownik Facebook
2023-01-22 | Opinia z Facebook

I am proud to recommend Mrs Winifred Demetrius, for a selfless and reliable investment service, I was constantly looking for a reliable platform to invest and my friend introduced me to her platform and I realized this is the best platform to invest on because she maintains discipline in her investment, relationship and strategies to ensure the complete transparency and credibility of her investors. if you want to be financially successful invest in her platform now, Contact her Email: WhatsApp: +15596973414

2019-04-14 | Opinia z Amazon

These shoes are the most beautiful shoes I have ever owned. The quality and characteristics of these hand made shoes shows through its very sole! 😁 These are comfortable, soft, and truly a masterpiece of shoe making. They do run a little on the large side but most dress shoes do so I ordered slightly smaller and they are perfect. These will not be the only pair of shoes I order from this seller. Also the seller communicates well and is very helpful. Thank you shoe much Peppa Shoes👍. I'm so excited to show these off at my wedding!

Użytkownik Amazon
2018-08-22 | Opinia z Amazon

These are fantastic shoes. They are extremely well made from the leather used down to the sole. Very solid, well constructed, and comfortable. The stitching is flawless. If you look on the Peppe Shoes website they make certain recommendations regarding how their shoes will fit. Before you select your size, I would check out what they suggest. For this particular model, they recommend going a half size to a full size smaller.Bottom line... If you are looking for a high quality shoe, look no further.

John Nicoric

These are fantastic shoes. They are extremely well made from the leather used down to the sole. Very solid, well constructed, and comfortable. The stitching is flawless. If you look on the Peppe Shoes website they make certain recommendations regarding how their shoes will fit. Before you select your size, I would check out what they suggest. For this particular model, they recommend going a half size to a full size smaller.Bottom line... If you are looking for a high quality shoe, look no further.

Użytkownik Amazon
1970-01-01 | Opinia z Amazon

These are fantastic shoes. They are extremely well made from the leather used down to the sole. Very solid, well constructed, and comfortable. The stitching is flawless. If you look on the Peppe Shoes website they make certain recommendations regarding how their shoes will fit. Before you select your size, I would check out what they suggest. For this particular model, they recommend going a half size to a full size smaller.Bottom line... If you are looking for a high quality shoe, look no further.

Użytkownik Trusted Shops

Zdecydowanie polecam sklep PEPPER SCHOES. Zamówione buty na żywo wyglądają znacznie lepiej niż na zdjęciach, bardzo delikatna skóra zamszona, przyjemna w dotyku. Buty leżą na nogę idealnie, bez konieczności zmiany rozmiaru - co prawda jest to kwestia bardzo indywidualna jeśli chodzi o numerację. Czas realizacji jest w pełni satysfakcjonujący - są to buty robione ręcznie na miarę, więc trzeba być t

Użytkownik Trusted Shops

The shoes were made and shipped as described. Definitely follow the advise on the website of ordering a smaller pair than you usually wear. Once I ordered the correct size I’m was very pleased with the shoes. The Customer Service people at Peppe responded promptly and did there very best to help when shoes were held up in customs. The Delivery company UPS were very poor. Four dates were given b

Użytkownik Google Shopping

The shoes were made and shipped as described. Definitely follow the advise on the website of ordering a smaller pair than you usually wear. Once I ordered the correct size I’m was very pleased with the shoes. The Customer Service people at Peppe responded promptly and did there very best to help when shoes were held up in customs. The Delivery company UPS were very poor. Four dates were given b

Ewa Grochowska
2020-10-15 | Opinia z Google

Znakomite, nietuzinkowe buty. Pomoc przy wyborze odpowiedniego rozmiaru. Szybki i rzeczowy mailowy kontakt. Przesyłka o czasie, doszła po 14 dniach od złożenia zamówienia. Mój mąż- Holender jest zachwycony i z pewnością zamówi w tej firmie niejedną parę butów. Nareszcie sklep z butami dla mężczyzn z cudownymi kolorami i modelami. Bez przytłaczającej, sztampowej szarzyzny.

2022-01-11 | Opinia z Etsy

I’d really like to leave a review but I’m still waiting for the boots to arrive. I’ve asked the Deller for assistance but apparently I haven’t waited long enough for him to get involved. My package has been sitting in Louisville, Kentucky now for 21 days. I live 180 miles from Louisville. I could have walked there and back by now. UPS is impossible to navigate through. It’s just a big run around with their online service and they never answer a call. I’m not blaming the Seller for the delay. I’m blaming him for just shrugging it off. He got my $220.00 dollars. Why would he care if his customers don’t receive what they paid for?

Użytkownik Facebook
2023-01-22 | Opinia z Facebook

I am proud to recommend Mrs Winifred Demetrius, for a selfless and reliable investment service, I was constantly looking for a reliable platform to invest and my friend introduced me to her platform and I realized this is the best platform to invest on because she maintains discipline in her investment, relationship and strategies to ensure the complete transparency and credibility of her investors. if you want to be financially successful invest in her platform now, Contact her Email: WhatsApp: +15596973414

2019-04-14 | Opinia z Amazon

These shoes are the most beautiful shoes I have ever owned. The quality and characteristics of these hand made shoes shows through its very sole! 😁 These are comfortable, soft, and truly a masterpiece of shoe making. They do run a little on the large side but most dress shoes do so I ordered slightly smaller and they are perfect. These will not be the only pair of shoes I order from this seller. Also the seller communicates well and is very helpful. Thank you shoe much Peppa Shoes👍. I'm so excited to show these off at my wedding!

Wszystkie opinie


  • Bestseller
  • trustedshops
    Trusted Shops Wszystkich opinii: 290
  • Google Shopping Wszystkich opinii: 93
  • justreview
    JustReview Wszystkich opinii: 18
  • amazon
    Amazon Wszystkich opinii: 827
  • ebayebay
    eBay Wszystkich opinii: 227
  • etsy
    Etsy Wszystkich opinii: 69
  • facebook
    Facebook Wszystkich opinii: 128
  • google
    Google Wszystkich opinii: 35
  • trustedshops
    Trusted Shops Wszystkich opinii: 290
  • Google Shopping Wszystkich opinii: 93
  • justreview
    JustReview Wszystkich opinii: 18
  • amazon
    Amazon Wszystkich opinii: 827
  • ebayebay
    eBay Wszystkich opinii: 227
  • etsy
    Etsy Wszystkich opinii: 69
4.87 / 5 Opinie: 1687